
Repeat prescriptions are medications which appear on the reverse of your prescription which your doctor would like you to continue on a regular basis.

In order to avoid potentially dangerous errors we regret that we cannot take repeat prescription requests over the telephone.

All requests must be made in writing or via the online repeat prescription request service.

Requests can be emailed to

How to request a Repeat Prescription

Repeat prescriptions may be ordered in several ways:


Requests for medications may also be emailed to  If you are a new patient requesting for repeat medications, you should discuss this with a GP first.  Please send a request via askmyGP or telephone the Surgery if you do not have access to the internet.

In Person

Fill in a prescription request form or underline the items needed on the tear-off side of your prescription and drop it into the surgery. Please do not order any medications you do not need.


You can order your repeat prescriptions via askmyGP (,) NHS App (accessible via smartphone or website) or Airmid app. Please first download the NHS App to create your NHS Login to gain access. This is our preferred method to request your prescription.

If you used SystmOnline on your desktop before, you can access this here:


If a stamped addressed envelope is supplied, your prescription can be returned via Royal Mail. Find our postal address.

If you take certain medication on a regular basis…

If you take certain medication on a regular basis, your doctor may authorise you to obtain repeat prescriptions from the surgery, though you will be asked to attend a Medication Review from time to time. Most prescriptions are now issued on the practice computer. This allows both us and you to have a record of all prescription items.

Your prescriptions come with a tear-off section, which becomes ‘the prescription request form’. This lists the names and doses of your medicine. Tick the medicines you require and hand in or post the request to us. Prescriptions can be posted back to you if you include a stamped addressed envelope with your request, but please allow longer for processing. Please make sure your request for medication is clear, and leave a telephone number if possible in case your doctor needs to contact you.

Please note that we need 2 full working days for any prescription request (up to 7 days if requests involve posting), this includes hospital outpatient prescriptions and private prescriptions.

Why does it take 2 working days to process a repeat prescription request?

At Florence Road Surgery prescriptions are requested every day.

Your prescription request goes to our Clinical Pharmacist or Doctor to authorise and ensure that it is still appropriate for you. Once authorised, our reception team will file your prescription ready for collection.

Delays may occur if any medication requested is not on your repeat prescription list or if your medication request differs from what is on your list. Your doctor may also request that you make an appointment to have your medication reviewed.

Prescription Turnaround Time

Order TimeReady at Reception
Before 12:30 MondayAfter 16:30 Wednesday
After 12:30 MondayAfter 16:30 Thursday
Before 12:30 TuesdayAfter 16:30 Thursday
After 12:30 TuesdayAfter 16:30 Friday
Before 12:30 WednesdayAfter 16:30 Friday
After 12:30 WednesdayAfter 16:30 Monday
Before 12:30 ThursdayAfter 16:30 Monday
After 12:30 ThursdayAfter 16:30 Tuesday
Before 12:30 FridayAfter 16:30 Tuesday
After 12:30 FridayAfter 16:30 Wednesday

Electronic Prescription Service

Electronic Prescription Service gives you the option to ‘nominate’ the pharmacy of your choice so that your prescriptions can be sent from the doctor to the pharmacy electronically.

Please click here for more information.

Nominate a Pharmacy

Your GP can send your prescription straight to a pharmacy/chemist electronically, to save you coming to the surgery to pick it up.

In order for this to happen you need to nominate a pharmacy/chemist; to do this please log in to the online service you use.

You can then pick up your medication from there, and it will save you a trip to the surgery; for more information, please visit the NHS Electronic Prescription Service Information Page.

Paper prescriptions can also be sent straight to your preferred pharmacy.

Prescription Costs

Visit NHS Choices for information on:

  • Prescription charges
  • Who is entitled for free prescriptions
  • Medical exemptions (certain diseases will exempt you from paying for your prescription)
  • Free prescriptions for cancer patients, renal dialysis patients and pregnant women
  • Help for those on low income.

Non-Repeat Prescriptions

If you have an on-going problem and would like another prescription of a medication previously prescribed to you by the doctor (but not on your repeat list) you may request another prescription.

Please let us know the reason for your request and a contact number, in order for the doctor to review your request.

You can make the request online via Online Services.

Non-repeat medication requests may take up to 2 working days to process and the doctor may wish to speak with you.

Emergency Prescription Requests

Emergency prescription requests are requests for medication which you have run out of and need, to prevent you becoming severely unwell.

Emergency medications include; antiepileptic medication, insulin, inhalers and adrenaline pens for anaphylaxis.

Emergency prescription requests cannot be used for medication which has been ordered late.

You should allow up to 2 working days for routine repeat prescription requests.

Please respect our staff, as it is your responsibility to ensure that your repeat prescription request is ordered in plenty of time.   

However, your regular pharmacy may be able to issue you with an interim repeat prescription for 5 days; please enquire directly with your regular pharmacy.

New Patient Prescriptions

If you normally take regular repeat medication please let us know by:

  • Giving us a copy of your repeat prescription slip.
  • Give us a copy of your medication label on your medication box or bottle which has your name, medication dosage and date.

The prescribing pharmacist will check your medication list and put them on the repeats list but we recommend you discuss this with our pharmacist to have a medication review within the first month of registering with the surgery; for your convenience, this can be done by telephone.

It can take some time for your previous records to be delivered to us from your last GP surgery; if you need medication before that, you can bring in your repeat slip and request your medication.

You may need to see or speak to a pharmacist or doctor about your medication request.

Please allow up to 2 working days for a prescription request.

Private Prescriptions

A GP in the surgery at which you are registered can only provide a private prescription if the medication is not available on the NHS.

A private prescription is not written on an official NHS prescription and so is not paid for by the NHS.

The cost of a private prescription is met wholly by the patient and is dictated by the cost of the medicine plus the pharmacists charge for supplying it.

A prescription is a legal document for which the doctor, who has issued and signed it, is responsible; a doctor you see privately can’t issue an NHS prescription.

Prescribing Wisely

Please see the link below for further information on requesting your repeat prescriptions and medicines and products that can be bought over the counter without a prescription: