What Happens to my Referral?
Dear Patient,
You have been referred on for tests or treatment
Following your consultation with your GP or other clinician you are being referred for further tests and/or treatment. In order for your treatment to be arranged, your GP or clinician will forward your referral details to the hospital via the NHS e-Referral Service or to the Ealing Community Referral Hub or directly to the service provider.
What is the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS)? It is an electronic referral system that allows the GP Surgery to make referrals to the hospital. These are normally reviewed by the hospital for clinical appropriateness, known as triage. The hospital specialists will advise their Booking Team to add patients to their waiting list or to arrange an appointment. Please note, the referral may be returned to the GP with information or advice.
Community services – Ealing Community Referral Hub
As part of improving access, a range of services are now being provided in community settings, consequently your appointment may take place at a hospital or it may take place in a community setting. We are committed to ensuring that you have easy access to the most appropriate service to meet your clinical needs.
Your choice
For more information about your right to choice, click here.
How will I hear about my appointment?
You should receive written confirmation of your appointment from the service provider. You may be contacted by telephone, text message or email about your appointment, so please make sure your GP has your current address and contact details.
What if I am unable to attend?
Once you receive your appointment details, please make every effort to attend. If, however you need to change your appointment, the information you have received with your appointment will tell you how to do that.
The e-RS is a confidential NHS service. We may use some of the information in your referral to help us develop services to suit local needs. Any information we use for this purpose will not include your name or other details that could identify you to other people.
How do I know if the referral has been sent via e-RS
When the referral has been submitted via e-RS, you should receive confirmation of this by post or by text. This will contain your NHS number, your unique booking reference number (URBN), pass word or access code. You can monitor your referral by contacting the hospital on the number given or on-line using the URBN and the pass word or access code Log in to NHS Manage Your Referral (ncrs.nhs.uk)
If you contact the hospital, please have your NHS number and the name of your GP surgery ready. They may ask for personal information to confirm your identity.
Please note that current waiting times are longer than usual due to the NHS back log from COVID and NHS industrial action.
Private Referrals
If you wish to be seen privately though your private health insurance or as a fee paying patient, you will normally need a private referral letter from the GP.
This may take up to 10 working days to prepare (unless you have been advised otherwise) and can be collected from Reception, emailed to you or via text message with a link to your mobile phone.