Patient Participation Group Newsletter – December 2019
We regularly review our services to check for efficiency and quality and it is helpful to have your opinions and suggestions. Our Patient Participation Group welcomes all patients who are willing to offer their time and opinions as we make decisions about the way our Practice is run.
The Group meets up every 3 months at Florence Road Surgery, generally during the weekend; if you would like to become involved, please complete the online form below.
As well as our Patient Participation Group, we have set up a “virtual group” so that you can have your say.
If you are happy for us to contact you periodically by email with some questions, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of care or service you received, please complete the form below.
Our email surveys will be kept short so that it should not take up too much of your time.
We want to gather information from as broad spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, people who work, people who are retired, people with long-term conditions and people from different ethnic groups.